Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hey, remember when I used to blog

Nothing says it is time to write like puddles adorned with rain ripples,
somber clouds and my girlfriend apprising me
all break that I “really need to update my blog, dang it.”
So, here it is. The first installment of the year.
Ladies and gentlemen, please hold your applause till the end.

First, let’s answer some common questions?
1) How was the 1st semester at Adcenter?
a: Hard as crap.

2) How’s the girlfriend?
a: Beautiful and amazing. She smells good, too. Lucky me.

3) How’s the fam? The lil’ bro?
a: Good. Silly. They smell good, too.

4) What’s been goin’ on all break?
a: Breakin’. Not the dance from yesteryear wherein I’ve gracefully retired. Nor the 80s cult blockbuster starring Shabadoo and Boogaloo Shrimp. Just the resting kind. The kind involving the opposite of working hard.

5) How’s the music thing going? How’s Crux (my band)?
a: Rockin’. Give it time. What’s up with all the questions?

There. All caught up. Well sort of.
There’s a lot more to say, but that’s after I learn how to say it.
But in the interim, please hold that applause.
You’ll thank me later.

Anyway, Happy New Year everyone.

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