Sunday, November 2, 2008

Prayers Wanted.

Yesterday was my little brother's stem cell transplant.
We like to call it his new birthday.

I'd be lying if I said that I'm being a complete rock.
My head is definitely swimming in a sea of emotions.
And to tell you the truth, I'm not even sure what to think.

All I know, is that we are blessed.
That every day and every breath is something to cherish.

And now that my family has nothing left to do but wait,
I ask the lord for mercy.
I ask for kindness.
I ask for prayers.

Say what you want about stem cells.
Although I may snap at you if you're one of those whiny, scared,
conservative-ass individuals who think that stem cell research is
fundamentally wrong.
I understand that ignorance may be bliss,
But ignorance is also ignorance.
And if one is ignorant, he/she shouldn't be allowed to talk so passionately
of things they have no knowledge about.
Don't worry, I'll get off my soap box soon.

Say what you want about God.
I believe that there is a God.
People may call it something different, like Allah, etc.
But to me, it's all the same God.
The nickname one uses is just semantics.

Say what you want about miracles.
But, I am related to one.
Read his BLOG, and try to prove me otherwise.

1 comment:

P said...

Thinking of you and yours. Keep us posted.