Monday, August 20, 2007

Steve is a brave, brave soul

I’ve never met the guy. I’m kind of glad I haven’t. His breath probably smells like old gym socks with a dash of sewer water. I apologize for the visual.

My older brother sent me a link to a blog called The Sneeze, and in particular, a section lovingly titled, “Steve, don’t eat it.” This section of the blog is part Fear Factor, part stupid and part balls. The dude goes on a culinary adventure, if you could call it that, and documents his experience for us less willing, weaker-stomached folk.

One of my favorite posts is when Steve the insipid decided to try Beggin’ Strips. As he listed of the ingredients, he realizes that one of the ingredients is “meat.”

That’s it. “Meat.”

No specific meat. No turkey, ham, nor anything that moos.

Just meat.

And really, if you think about it, it is probably composed of the same “meat” that was so jocundly served to us as high school kids and undergrads in school cafeterias. When it comes to this “meat,” the Charms Blow Pop Owl is probably right, “the world may never know.”

So, Kris, what does this have to do with any of the themes or literary motifs that are normally presented on this blog?

Well, to be honest, not too much. I just found it interesting. You could rack it up to the life category. Or you could wrap your brain around how to be interesting/remarkable/viral for you Purple Cow fans. I mean damn, I couldn’t stop reading what Steve was going to try next. Just think of the potential a random, weird, yet interesting website can entail. Mmm, I can smell the cash.

All I know is that I’m sure as heck not going down on a can of Cuitlacoche (pronounced (kweet-lah-KOH-chay), or “black fungus infected corn” anytime soon.

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